Barry creates time remnants and imprisons Savitar in the speedforce. Savitar fights Barry (but doesnt kill Iris). However it could happen, The Flash should certainly bring back Julian. Heres my theory: Savitar was originally a closed loop in the 'Flash vanishes in Crisis' OG timeline from the newspaper article. Meanwhile, Lois and Jordan are trying to stop Edges plan to eradicate all human life on Earth.

Perhaps Earth-Prime's Julian never worked with Team Flash or perhaps something changed at some point that would allow him to return down the line. The Flash's story has come a long way since Julian's departure, and while there didn't seem to be much room for the character's return in previous season, it's something that could happen in season 7 or later given that the world has changed due to Crisis on Infinite Earths. Even though he was part of season 3, the most mixed season of The Flash, his presence was one of the better-received parts of the season, leaving his disappearance from the show a bit baffling. Coincidentally, the actor who portrays Albert, Tom Felton played Draco in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Tom Felton and the rest of the cast and crew seemed to get along, and there was no indication Felton chose to leave for any specific reason. Julian’s departure in the time jump between The Flash seasons 3 and 4 was given a weak story explanation. In the comics, Savitar was a powerful speedster who led a cult that worshipped the Speed Force.Why Julian was written off the show is unclear and has never really been addressed. The 31-year-old Australian actor, who most recently recurred. But the two versions wildly differed from each other. After a little casting confusion, Todd Lasances The Flash role has been officially revealed.
Though he was a villain for an arc in Waid’s lengthy run on DC’s The Flash comics in the ‘90s, the live-action version on The CW series catapulted Savitar into a more popular character. Flashpoint Air date: The Reverse Flash taunts Kid Flash, and warns of repercussions if Barry continues to forget his old life when disaster strikes, Barry must decide whether to. He voiced Savitar and Alchemy in The Flash. For the show’s third evil speedster, Savitar served as the main antagonist, and the Arrowverse incarnation was a significant reimagining. (born August 7, 1942), known professionally as Tobin Bell, is an American film and television character actor.

Barry Allen/Flash is also supposed to be a lighter character (minus the. Savitar, I really love those - a lot of those plotlines. A big surprise in The Flash season 3 was the reveal that the season’s big bad was a version of Barry, and Team Flash ended up facing a new threat with a too-familiar face. People were bagging on Ben Afflek for being cast as Bruce Wayne/Batman. “There’s a lot that just come from the world of the Flash and various Rogues,” Miller said. Miller, who uses they/them pronouns, first debuted as the Flash in a cameo in 2016’s Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad, before joining the cast of Justice League in 2017. Fisher revealed he would love to fight Superman villain Brainiac, while Ezra Miller went deep into Flash’s comic book lore. But Savitar, an enemy speedster created by Mark Waid in the ‘90s, is apparently a favorite of actor Ezra Miller, who would love to square off with Savitar in the DC cinematic universe.Īt the Justice League panel at Wizard World Philadelphia 2018, Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher, who played The Flash and Cyborg respectively in Zack Snyder’s Justice League last November, were asked which villains from the comics they’d love to fight against. But unlike the big mysteries surrounding big.

Remember when Savitar tore up the screen as the villain of The CW’s The Flash Season 3? And how the internet had a billion theories as to who Savitar could be? That was fun, even if the story wound up making zero sense in the end. PT The Flash is finally back this week, which means were one step closer to finding out who Savitar is.